Home > 52 Week Mega Savings Challenge Update

52 Week Mega Savings Challenge Update

April 21st, 2014 at 04:18 pm

I cleaned out my car this weekend (finally!) and found $75 in the process. $20 went to my "emergency $20" car stash that I'd spent the other day when I left my purse at work; the rest I'm calling a snowflake. I also went to a movie and saved $1.25 at the concession stand with my Stubs card, so I'll count that, too. Plus I totally miscalculated last week so my total was $5 short, so I'll add that in here.

52-Week Mega Savings Challenge
Week 16 [started late, now on week 7]

CVS Savings: $25
Found Money: $55
Correction: $5
Movie Savings: $1.25
Total Snowflakes: $86.25
Rounding (to reserve): $1.25

Beginning Balance: $470
Deposit: $85
Ending Balance: $555

Reserve: $1.54 + $1.25 = $2.79

2 Responses to “52 Week Mega Savings Challenge Update”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Wow! $75 hidden in your car is a fun find. Decluttering pays. Smile

  2. doingitallwrong Says:

    No kidding! My car so badly needed it, too; I thought about before and after photos but there's no way I was letting everyone see how bad it was! Wink

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