After decades of doing almost everything wrong, financially, I have spent years drowning in debt. I'm finally at a point where I'm both motivated and able to do something about it!
2015 Goals
[ ] $6,000 in long-term emergency fund (add $2,500)
-- LTEF funding steps
--- [ ] $1,378 from 52-Week Challenge
--- [x] $1,890 left from 52-Week Mega Challenge
[ ] $3,700 for property taxes (September)
[ ] Pay off $12,000 in cc debt
2016 Goals
[ ] $7,500 in LTEF
-- LTEF funding steps
--- [ ] $1,378 from 52-Week Challenge
[ ] $5,000 in savings (for property taxes and incidentals)
[ ] Pay off $10,000 in cc debt